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Selling In A Slow Market

After posting yesterday on selling homes quickly in a slow market, I stumbled across some more good points relating to this subject. Two of the most important things to consider when evaluating a deal are what you are going to pay for the property and what you are going to be able to sell the property for after rehab. If you refer back to yesterday’s post you will see the first point mentioned in both of these notes is making sure you do solid market or “compâ€? analysis and price […]

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Rehabbing Still Works

Despite what you have heard, rehabbing properties and selling them at a profit in this crazy market does work. You need to make sure the numbers on deal work, you do your research and, perhaps most importantly, you need to have a strategy for getting the property sold and sold quickly. Below is a short note I came across that mentions some good points on how to get properties sold quickly in a slow market. Here are some tips from real estate professionals who now have a couple of years […]

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Homes Sales Up

With so much gloom and doom in today’s real estate market, I always make sure to highlight positive notes and thoughts about the real estate market. One of the key numbers or indicators we watch is how many homes are actually being sold. This note points out that September home sales marked the first time we’ve seen a year-over-year increase since November of 2005. I often get frustrated when I read articles that simply relate what’s going on in the national real estate market. National real estate indicators don’t do […]

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Where Should You Invest?

Looking for a place to invest out of your area or perhaps you live in a good area to invest and need a friendly reminder. Below is a list of affordable communities where housing has remained relatively stable and where future job growth looks promising. It was interesting for me to find this list because a handful of these areas are where I am recommending people research when contemplating a move or looking for a good market for investing. I still truly believe there are good deals to be had […]

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