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Expand Your Investing Horizons

Don’t get stuck with blinders on and always keeps your eyes open for new and profitable opportunities. Many new investors focus solely on lower priced residential properties and don’t even consider different types of investing because of fear and lack of knowledge and understanding. Investing small apartment houses is not as scary and intimidating as you might think. In fact, if the apartments are less than five units they are still considered residential. is a great website to start looking for small apartment buildings and other commercial properties. Investors […]

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What Bad News?

I’d like to touch on the state of the market and the state of the real estate market specifically. It just seems like everything is in total chaos. -the economy is in recession, the stock market is plummeting -huge banks are failing and going out of business -insurance companies are having to be bailed out -the big 3 automakers are on the brink of failure -we have this enormous 700+ billion dollar bailout Where does it all end? We should all be running for the hills right? I mean we […]

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Sellers DO Sell At Losses!

I get frustrated when I hear investors say that sellers are not willing to discount their properties or sell at a loss. The best I can do to convince them they are wrong is to share experiences of other investors that are having great success finding such deals. That is until now because I have some research proof done by proving that many houses sell at a loss by homeowners that are under water. According to, over the past year a staggering 30% of homes sold were sold […]

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Expired Listings

Investors MUST be aggressive in prospecting for deals. Do not limit yourself or get lazy in where you are looking for opportunities. There are many places to look for deals and I wanted to highlight one that is often overlooked or not pursued by real estate investors. About 64 percent of home owners with expired listings end up listing with another brokerage within 30 days, according to a Hofstra University study. “Buyers are frustrated and angry that their home didn’t sell, and they’re looking for someone to blame,â€? Joe Meyer, […]

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