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Creative Financing-Subject To (Sub2)

What is creative financing? Commonly used phrase which involves non-traditional types of funding that are not commonly used. Most of these techniques involve the seller not having to use much or any of their own money. • Lease Options • Subject2 deals • Hard Money loans • Seller financing • Private loans • Wrap-around Mortgages Definition of Subject To A real estate transaction where title to the property gets transferred to the new buyer and the new buyer takes over the payments on the existing loan. The seller’s existing loan […]

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Working Effectively With Partners

Working effectively with Partners • This might initially scare you • Keep an open mind • It is not working with some stranger; you will become friends with them and it won’t be so scary Why work with partners? • Source of money • Source of knowledge and expertise • Diversify risk • Source of deal flow • Source of credit How to work with partners? • Can own property jointly in your names • Set up entity – management agreement sets forth rules Structuring deals • Simple cash loan […]

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Where Are the Motivated Sellers?

Are you looking for a good area to invest? I frequently get asked by investors where they should look for deals. I always tell people to start in their own local markets where they can “see, touch and feel” the deals. However, if you have an itch to reach out of your local area, below are some places you may want to look. What I like most about this note is the phrase “motivated sellers are slashing prices.” That is music to my ears. Investors (you) love motivated and flexible […]

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Opportunities in Strange Places

I came across the note posted below and wanted to highlight a few things. Firstly, it is good to keep your eyes out for different offerings like this by different companies. In general, it’s just good to know what is going on in the market and what different people are doing. Secondly, there may be good opportunities that arise from these types of offerings. Thirdly, it’s always good to be around and associate with other investors. There is much to be learned from meeting and talking with other investors and […]

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