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A Different Type of Foreclosure Auction

Hopefully all of us as investors have an aggressive strategy for finding potential deals. I have people asking me all the time if they should be looking here or there for properties. My answer is almost always yes. I tell people to look anywhere they possibly can for potential deals with the understanding that they should always be looking for motivated sellers. Banks are typically motivated sellers and, in my opinion, are increasingly becoming more motivated because of the sheer numbers of properties going into foreclosure. Typically banks hire real […]

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Is Density Incompatible With Safety? Here’s a thought-provoking post from the Urban Land Institutes blog, The Ground Floor, that takes up the question of whether denser developments breed more crime. The story is in response to a new study, featured in the Washington Post, that shows that “residents of high-rise apartments are much more likely to be victims of crime — specifically street crime. The effect remains similar after statistically adjusting for poverty, demographics and public housing: It’s the height of the building itself that matters.â€? So what are the […]

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Stay in Tune with Your Market

I came across the note posted below and wanted to highlight a few things. Firstly, it is good to keep your eyes out for different offerings like this by different companies. In general, it’s just good to know what is going on in the market and what different people are doing. Secondly, there may be good opportunities that arise from these types of offerings. Thirdly, it’s always good to be around and associate with other investors. There is much to be learned from meeting and talking with other investors and […]

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Helping People in Default Yields Great Profit

The singular key to real estate investing is making lots of offers to motivated sellers. In order to make offers to motivated sellers investors first have to find them. An area of intense focus by investors is targeting people that have fallen behind on their mortgage payments. This period of time is often referred to as pre-foreclosure. It is not uncommon for people that go into default to start hiding from the bank by not returning phones calls, ignoring mail correspondence, etc. This is a big mistake. It is important […]

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