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Looking For a Good Market?

Many investors are increasingly looking to invest in areas outside of their local market. While I believe it is almost always best to invest where you live, there can be reasons why investing in a different market makes sense. If you are going to be looking in other markets, it is critically important that you build a team, sufficiently research the market, do your due diligence and most importantly don’t take anyone else’s word for anything – do your own homework (with the help of others of course). Forbes put […]

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Always Improve Your Business

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaningâ€? Benjamin Franklin This quote applies to all walks of life and can certainly be applied to any Real Estate business, no matter how successful. As an Investor, you should constantly be evaluating your business and strategies, and more importantly, be making necessary changes to improve what you are already doing. Don’t let your business get stuck in a rut. Think of the ways your Real Estate business can be improved. Is there a more effective […]

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Banks Will Sell at a Discount

The following information regarding a real estate industry survey underscores the continuing opportunity to purchase homes in foreclosure and more specifically through short-sales. The estimate that roughly 20 percent of all home sales in March were short sales in truly mind boggling. It is also very encouraging to investors and clearly communicates that BANKS ARE WILLING TO SELL PROPERTIES AT A DISCOUNT. The deals are there for the taking, but you must be aggressive and active in chasing these deals and making lots and lots of offers to banks. Short […]

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Websites to Help You Find and Research Deals

I talk frequently with students about the importance of having an aggressive finding strategy. We talk about the various ways of creating streams of deal flow which can include having real estate agents find you deals, foreclosures, auctions, looking in the newspapers, having an aggressive marketing and advertising strategy and lastly looking aggressively at numerous online sites. Here is a list of websites that can get you started and assist you in finding and evaluating deals. (“homes or real estate for saleâ€? section) […]

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