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10 Best and 10 Worst

Below are the ten best perfoming markets with the percent increase and the ten worst performing markets with the percent decrease from the 1st quarter of 2007 to the 1st quarter of 2008. Best performing markets Binghamton, NY — 11.8% Peoria, IL — 10.4% Spartanburg, SC — 10.1% Elmira, NY — 9.6% Yakima, WA — 9.0% El Paso, TX — 8.5% Amarillo, TX — 8.2% Glens Falls, NY — 7.7% Farmington, NM — 6.3% Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX — 6.1% Worst performing markets Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Miami Beach, FL — -17.2% Memphis, TN-MS-AR […]

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1st Qtr Numbers Are Out

First quarter numbers are out, and I think it is important for investors to educated and knowledgeable as to what is going on in the real estate market. Of course we want to be detailed and specific in our knowledge of our local market, but it is important to be aware of general trends and news in the overall market as well. I have included an article posted on CNN’s Money website ( that details the specifics of the numbers. The way I interpret this article is more homes on […]

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U.S. Housing Aid Plan

I am not a politician, and I usually get a headache when I read articles about what congress is doing or the law-making process in general. Having said that, we are hearing so much in the media about the Government’s plans to assist in the housing crisis, I thought I should at least post something about what is happening. The main focus at this point has been for the Government to provide funding allowing for homeowners to refinance out of variable rate mortgages that have already or that are set […]

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8 Ways to Sell Your Home More Quickly

Selling a home is oftentimes more expensive than sellers anticipate. Agents’ commissions can be as high as 6-7%, the repairs and fix-up, even minor fixes, can add up and holding costs are frequently underestimated that are being incurred during the sales process. In an attempt to limit or reduce these costs, more and more investors are attempting to sell their investments without using agents. This can be a great way to save a lot of money, but you really need to know what you are doing if you are going […]

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