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This article, from Torto Wheaton Research paints an optimistic picture for the future demand for industrial space. Investors would be wise to observe the industrial markets in coming months in addition to closely following the apartment markets for buying opportunities. December 24, 2008 RAY OF LIGHT: INDUSTRIAL’S LONGER-TERM PROSPECTS BY TORTO WHEATON RESEARCH Laura Stone Mortimer, Senior Economist The industrial market is currently feeling the effects of weak demand, which will continue through the near term as the U.S. and world economies continue to struggle. While the economic news of […]

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Thsi article discussed the importance of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to the multi-family housing industry. Multifamily Contemplates the Future of Fannie, Freddie Published: December 02, 2008 By Keat Foong, Executive Editor, Multi-Housing News Washington, D.C. – Debate continues about the future of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This week the Wall Street Journal reported that Congress and the future Obama administration would be likely to restructure the two entities and in doing so consider the economic crisis and conflicts between the companies’ mission to support the housing market and […]

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Distressed Opportunities Heat Up By Jerry Ascierto, Housing Finance News The transaction market continues its sluggish pace as 2008 winds down, but some buying opportunities are emerging. Two large multifamily transactions were announced in November, and the types of transactions illustrate the types of opportunities available in the market – namely, distressed situations. Guardian Management, LLC, recently acquired more than 4,000 units from Atherton-Newport Investment, which filed for bankruptcy in January. Many of the apartment communities were located in markets hardest hit by oversupply, like Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Miami. […]

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Multifamily Housing Starts in 3Q Do Not Fall as Precipitously as Single-Family’s Published: October 22, 2008 By Anuradha Kher, Online News Editor, Multi-Housing News New York–While single-family housing starts tumbled a whopping 12 percent to an annual rate of 544,000 – the lowest since February 1982 and the fourth-lowest ever – third-quarter multifamily housing starts remained relatively high at 273,000, as compared to its low of 162,000, recorded in 1993, based on the Commerce Department’s latest report. Multifamily housing starts (including two to four-unit projects and five plus-unit projects) have […]

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