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Good News for Apartment Financing

SPECIAL REPORT: Fannie, Freddie Provide Reassurances in Face of Impending 2010 Portfolio Cap Published: February 12, 2009 By Keat Foong, Executive Editor San Diego – Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac multifamily executives provided assurances with regards to their companies’ abilities to supply continued liquidity to the multifamily market despite mandated portfolio reductions in 2010, during a session at the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) multifamily and commercial real estate conference held here this week. Moderator Shekar Narasimhan, managing partner of Beekman Advisors, asked if Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s appetites for […]

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Many observers and other analysts have expressed concern in recent months about the number of commercial loans (including those on apartments) would be coming due and wound need refinancing in the next year or so. Some of these observers opined that many of these owners would not be able to successfully refinance in a market with much more stringent underwriting standards than those that existed a few years ago when the loans were originated. The report by the Mortgage Bankers Association, summarized below, finds that the number of loans which […]

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MULTIFAMILY EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE reported in January that the percentage of people moving out of apartments to buy houses had fallen to an al-time low. This is good news for owners of rental housing since it will support lower vacancies in rental units. Rental housing continues to do well in most markets in the U.S. GOOD NEWS FOR RENTAL HOUSING: REITs see record lows in flight to home ownership. Source: MULTIFAMILY EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE – January 1, 2009 – By Les Shaver Multifamily Reits had some good news in the third quarter […]

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This article discusses the need for sufficient multifamily property financing to allow the multi-family sector to continue to meet the needs of tenants in the future. Since the GSE’s (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) provide much of the financing for this sector it is important for the government not to cut back the size of these entities and reduce the availability of funds for this very important sector of the housing market. Harvard University, NMHC Paper Prompts Government to Look at Multi Family Financing Issue Closely January 28, 2009 By […]

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