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This article from FeedBlitz was published on 10/1/08 and explains that all sectors of the commercial mortgage market except the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities (CMBS) sector continue to expand their investments in commercial mortgages. Commercial Real Estate Debt Still Expanding The CMBS market may be frozen, but the level of outstanding commercial real estate debt continued to expand during the second quarter. Commercial and multifamily mortgage debt outstanding rose 1.5% in the second quarter, to $3.44 trillion, the Mortgage Bankers Association reports, based on an analysis of the Federal Reserve […]

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These comments are by the Urban Land Institute and Sam Zell regarding the “bailoutâ€? or “rescueâ€? bill just approved by Congress and signed by President. They were published in “Feedblitzâ€? on September 26, 2008 ULI’s Analysis of the Bailout I found this commentary very compelling. Does this bailout just help Wall Street? If the Treasury buys bonds–including CMBS bonds–will that do anything to help the end borrower at all? Who is actually getting bailed out here? I’ve heard a lot of support for the bailout from various forces in commercial […]

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This article, published on September 25, provides information on interest rates for multi-family properties as of that date Multifamily Interest Rates Stay Low Amid Financial Turmoil By Keat Foong, Executive Editor, Multi-Housing News, September 25, 2008 Chicago—Interest rates remain relatively low for multifamily permanent loans at the moment despite the turmoil in the financial world. Sue Blumberg, senior vice president and managing director in the Chicago office of NorthMarq Capital, says that spreads for Fannie Mae financing have for the most part held steady. For Freddie Mac financing, spreads have […]

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This article, written by a commercial mortgage broker, describes his standards for choosing the clients he wants to work with. It offers potential commercial borrowers some insight into how to relate to mortgage brokers. Mortgage Brokers – The Difference between Mediocrity and Excellence By Jeff Rauth Of course there’s a lot that goes into being a successful commercial mortgage broker like marketing, contacts, sales skills, technical knowledge of the industry, market knowledge, bank contacts, proper administration set up, etc so I’m not trying to over simplify the issue; but in […]

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