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Protected: Real Estate Graduate Call 10-21-2010

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Real Estate Website Resources

We need to learn to use the internet to help us be more successful in our Real Estate investing. This can help us to do our due diligence and track down the right deals with the least amount of expense. The following are a few websites that will help us be more efficient. This website can help us to pinpoint potential properties. This is a free website that not only can allow us to target a property, but it can also let us use free tools to understand more […]

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Protected: Real Estate Graduate Call 10-14-2010

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Great Opportunity in the Foreclosure Market

Real Estate investors must to be confident in two areas if they hope to have any success – 1. Are there really deals to be had and can they find them. 2. Can they do the deals once they find them (strategies, financing, etc.) The attached article clearly demonstrates the answer to question number one. The article states that 250,000 foreclosed properties changed hands in the 2nd quarter alone. That is a lot of deals but that isn’t even the good news; the good news is these 250,000 deals changed […]

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