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Protected: Real Estate Graduate Call 9-23-2010

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Real Estate Podcast 6-21-2010

Success Story

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Short Sale Sugar by Nels Beckstrand

Have you ever found a property advertised as a short sale* but the real estate agent said the bank would have to approve your offer? You go to the trouble of putting your offer together, but the agent is clearly trying to get other potential buyers to make offers too. You are attracted to the potential profit in the short sale, but you are afraid someone else will outbid you. What can you do? This article will show you how to take control and sweeten the deal. You will often […]

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Sellers DO Sell At Losses!

I get frustrated when I hear investors say that sellers are not willing to discount their properties or sell at a loss. The best I can do to convince them they are wrong is to share experiences of other investors that are having great success finding such deals. That is until now because I have some research proof done by proving that many houses sell at a loss by homeowners that are under water. According to, over the past year a staggering 30% of homes sold were sold […]

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