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Sellers DO Sell At Losses!

I get frustrated when I hear investors say that sellers are not willing to discount their properties or sell at a loss. The best I can do to convince them they are wrong is to share experiences of other investors that are having great success finding such deals. That is until now because I have some research proof done by proving that many houses sell at a loss by homeowners that are under water. According to, over the past year a staggering 30% of homes sold were sold […]

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Population Growth and Real Estate Prices

Real estate prices by-and-large are driven by simple economics – supply and demand; the greater the demand for real estate the higher the price. Population growth in any area will almost always have a positive impact on real estate values. Growing areas with a growing population will almost always be accompanied with job growth and these are all strong positive indicators of a healthy real estate market. As the country’s population grows so does the demand for housing and as the Census Bureau reports the U.S. population is expected to […]

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Be Careful with Deal “Values”

There always seems to be confusion in the marketplace about real estate “valuesâ€?. We frequently hear about market values, tax values and appraisal values. It is important to understand what these values really mean and how to use them. Let me first say, the most important value is what the property will sell for on the open market. Don’t ever forget that. Listings that say “property listed $30,000 below appraisalâ€? or “property listed 20% below tax valueâ€? mean absolutely nothing. It may sound attractive if a property is listed $30,000 […]

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Check this article for several websites that will be helpful to landlords wanting information about competitive rents and vacancy factors in their area and also helpful ideas for marketing your apartment units. New applications are putting your properties all over Internet maps. You’d better know how your units plot out. Source: MULTIFAMILY EXECUTIVE MAGAZINE Publication date: June 1, 2008 By Joe Bousquin, a freelance journalist living outside Sacramento, Calif. Curious to see how your rents stack up against the competition? Log on to, an apartment mapping tool aimed at […]

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