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Protected: Real Estate Graduate Call 4-8-2010

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Graduate Call Notes: 1031 Exchanges

What is a 1031? “In general—No gain or loss shall be recognized on the exchange of property held for productive use in a trade or business or for investment if such property is exchanged solely for property of like kind which is to be held either for productive use in a trade or business or for investment.” -Involves selling investment real estate THAT HAS BEEN HELD FOR INVESTMENT and replacing it with other qualified real estate that will be held for investment. Take note that NO time frame is given […]

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Housing Market Bottom will Signal Recovery

A recent survey of participants at the Southeast chapter of the Real Estate Investment Advisory Council included a survey of the 165 participants to obtain their views on when the current recession would end. These participants whose primary focus is commercial real estate agreed that the primary leading indicator would be the housing market – that is “investors will know an economic recovery is under way when the housing market finds price stability and foreclosures moderate”. These and other opinions from the survey are contained in the article below which […]

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Short Sales Getting Easier

Short sales can be frustrating and I’m hearing from more and more investors that the headaches and the timeframes to get a deal done are not worth the effort. While I don’t necessarily agree with that sentiment, the note below should give us all some hope. At a minimum, it let’s us know that banks recognize there is a problem and they need to streamline the short sale process. This is beneficial for the lender as they avoid foreclosing and it’s beneficial for the investor because we get good deals […]

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