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Gold Mine – Vacant Homes

Vacant homes can be a gold mine for investors. These properties are costing someone money and in many cases a lot of money. Most of these have mortgages on them and all of them have property taxes being assessed. What this means folks, is the owners, at some point, are going to get sick of shelling out money on an empty property that is providing no benefit to them at all. These are the kinds of sellers we like as investors – they become very motivated to dispose of these […]

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Websites to Help You Find and Research Deals

I talk frequently with students about the importance of having an aggressive finding strategy. We talk about the various ways of creating streams of deal flow which can include having real estate agents find you deals, foreclosures, auctions, looking in the newspapers, having an aggressive marketing and advertising strategy and lastly looking aggressively at numerous online sites. Here is a list of websites that can get you started and assist you in finding and evaluating deals. (“homes or real estate for saleâ€? section) […]

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Opportunities with Bank Owned Foreclosures

Bank owned properties can be great investment opportunities for investors. Banks and lenders don’t want these properties and they are getting more and more of them as the foreclosure numbers continue to sky-rocket. The question then is, are there good deals or can these properties be purchased at a discount? Banks and Lenders are not always willing to discount their properties, but oftentimes they are willing to take discounts. Banks take into consideration many factors when selling their properties. Here are some statistics that show banks’ willingness to sell properties […]

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