
Politicians and Bankers

Here’s another good article from Robert Kiyosaki. Again, here’s someone who is telling the truth, telling it like it is. Capitalism is crumbling and it can largely be blamed on the “rich and politically connected”. He continues;”All the bankers and politicians have to do is wave the red, white, and blue, play a few bars of “Yankee Doodle,” and the masses get teary-eyed and pledge greater allegiance to legalized robbery.” He also recommends you read “The Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin. It’s a real eye opener to […]

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Finally someone tells it how it is!

This is an excellent clip from CNN with Wolf Blitzer and Ron Paul, Congressman from Texas. Here you will find the best articulation of what is going on right now and how the government is about to make it worse. Ron Paul says that the government is propping up a failed system which is exactly what they did during the great depression. If the government let’s the free market take it’s course it will be a bad year. If the government does what it’s planning it will be a bad […]

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Protected: Financial Graduate Call 9/23/08

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The Perfect Storm?

Here’s an interesting article from about 6 months ago. It talks about “Credit Swaps” or “Credit Default Swaps”, a new kind of traded security. This is a good explanation of what is happening today. I also find it interesting that if you google any of the terms currently in the news regarding the financial meltdown, you will find article after article from months and even years ago that describe in pretty good detail what we’re experiencing now and what we’re about to experience. Try it. Go to google and search […]

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