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ETFs—An Investment Option by Jeff Loertscher

ETFs—An Investment Option Some students have had interest in Exchange-Traded Funds. It for this purpose I am writing to those students today. Many recognize my view on mutual funds. I feel strongly that are one of the greatest investment options available because of the diversification aspect within them. However, they can be expensive including fund fees, potential load fees, 12b-1 fees, and other fees. To remedy this I have proposed Index Funds because they can accomplish the objective of diversification and fulfill the concept of Modern Portfolio Theory, while reducing […]

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The Eight Great Mistakes That Investors Make by Ross Landon

THE EIGHT GREAT MISTAKES THAT INVESTORS MAKE 1. Over Diversifying – Yes, you do want to diversity so your “eggs aren’t all in one basket.” But you do not want to spread your money so wide that it is difficult to monitor 2. Under Diversifying – Just the opposite, if you put all of your money in three funds, and one does poorly, the other two will not have enough spectacular returns to make up for the difference 3. Euphoria- Some investors have their head up in the clouds much […]

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Weekly Financial Podcast hosted by Lorin Hardy

This week's tip is brought to us by Ray Wright.

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