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Protected: Graduate Call 1-28-14: Affirmations

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The Universe Does Not Move until a Decision is Made!

Stop and think about the title of today’s article.  Commit it to memory.  We talk a lot about visualization and affirmations, and all of that is good, but there is one thing that will start the powers that are within you.  That is decision.  It is often overlooked but have you ever stopped and realized that nothing happens until a decision is made?  Have you decided that you are going to be wealthy?  Have you decided that you are going to be debt free?  You will see things line up […]

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Having The Correct Mindset is 90% of Financial Success

It has been said that you will only be as wealthy as your self-image will allow you to be. That is something that I know to be true. In one of my all-time favorite books, Psycho-Cybernetics, it talks about the importance that self-image has on our lives. What if you do not have a healthy self-image when it comes o money? Are you stuck? No! There is a way to safely reprogram your mind. When you are in a relaxed state of mind, some call it Alpha, your mind is […]

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Protected: Graduate call 1-21-14: Mindset

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