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Prosper Live Coming Soon

Our next Prosper Liveevent will take place on September 23rd and 24th. For more information on this live 2 day event go to Prosper Live where you will find details and registration information. See you there!

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7 Steps to being BOLD By Adam Mortimer

1. Don’t wait until you have all the answers to be bold! (You don’t need all the facts before you start) 2. Don’t wait until things are perfect 3. Ideas don’t make you a dime if they are not backed up by action 4. To be bold you must do. Doing is a sure way to overcome your fear. 5. Live in the moment. 6. LIVE BY THE 5 MINUTE Rule. Do what you don’t want to do for at least five minutes. If you do not feel like doing […]

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If you’re starting a business…

you better take advantage of the tax deductions. Here’s a few tips to get you started HERE

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Rudy By Adam Mortimer

Perhaps the reason Rudy is so inspirational is that WE all have a Rudy inside of us. That part of us that says, keep going good things will happen, keep trying keep your head up keep your spirits high! Life is good! You can have those moments of greatness and create a life that you never thought possible. Good things happen to those that never lose hope, that keep going in the face of adversity. Did Rudy know how many millions of people that He would inspire by making ONE […]

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