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Inflation By Adam Mortimer

I often talk about the dangers of inflation. Most central banks are okay with a “little” inflation, around three to four percent inflation. I personally am not okay with any inflation. Do you realize what inflation would do to your savings? Let’s say that you saved and invested your entire working career. Let’s say after completing this program you have accumulated 1,000,000 dollars. That may seem like a lot of money but let’s see what inflation does to the purchasing power of your one million dollars 10 years into your […]

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New Rules of Money Check Out All 7 Videos

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Where All That Money Went

Senator Dodd says this country lost $11trillion in household wealth over just the last 18 months. Where did all that money go? “True, with its clever but untoward shenanigans, Wall Street has sucked billions of dollars out of the pockets of hard-working folks on Main Street and transferred them into the financiers’ own pockets… But they didn’t amass $11 trillion. The bankers did not get that rich.” Read about where the wealth went here

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Think BIG By Adam Mortimer

Thinking big can be learned. I often ask my students their goals and ambitions and I often get small answers. Far too many people do not realize the power that they have inside of themselves to create the life that they have always dreamed of. They have a set script in their life for how things are “supposed to be.” They do not really think about the life that they could have if the just threw away their old script and started to write a new one. A new script […]

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