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Lean on me

It can be difficult creating a financial plan, but it is ever more challenging to stay with it. What is the solution? First, use the buddy system. Most people I work with are couples. They already know that a plan is being created for their benefit. Once a plan is established and goals are prioritized, it becomes much simplier to carry that plan out. Remember that the road to financial freedom is not a solitary one. It helps to use the advice of your coach or others who have a […]

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What’s up with the dollar?

Movements in the currency market are best described as a random walk: unpredictable, like a drunk staggering home. But whereas most of the time the movements are gentle, swaying like someone who has shared a decent bottle of chianti with a friend, at present they are lurching like a 16-year-old swigging a bottle of tequila. The economies of Europe, Asia and the US would all be at risk from further dollar falls. The greenback fell close to its all-time low against the euro last Friday, although it has held up […]

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Get a Grip: Signs You’re a Compulsive Spender

For most people, a trip to the mall is a harmless excursion. But for an estimated 2% to 8% of U.S. adults afflicted with “compulsive buying disorder,â€? overspending is an addiction with serious financial and emotional consequences.“Compulsive buying disorder is not unlike an alcohol, gambling or other addiction,â€? says Ted Beck, president and CEO of the National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE). “When shopping and spending spin out of control, relationships can be destroyed and financial well-being torpedoed.â€? NEFE is a nonprofit foundation committed to educating Americans about personal finance. […]

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Reach Your Retirement Goals By Following 10 Basic Axioms

What’s the key to making good investment choices? It isn’t necessary to understand the inner workings of the securities markets or the mathematical economies underlying investment theory. Instead, 10 axioms of effective investing provide the critical cornerstone for guiding investment philosophy and making decisions. This will ensure that you meet the universal goal of creating financial wealth for retirement.Unfortunately, these principles are easier to understand than to implement. For many individuals, it is easier to plan to save and invest next month rather than to begin immediately. However, visualizing the […]

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