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More Thoughts On The Economy

For those of you who have been reading my blog, you will notice that I seem to be focused on things that could be construed as negative. I can’t deny that I may be a little over the top. Just ask my wife. That being said, I still believe it is important to let you know what is going on with the current economy. I suppose I would rather endorse a safe and not sorry stance. The current economy has become a maze to navigate and understand. The US consumer […]

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Debt Is a Four Letter Word

I have been accused of being a half glass empty guy when it comes to the current economy. I do think that there are some good things happening, and I do not want to be considered an utter pessimist. I have studied some issues extensively and have tried keeping a neutral bias. One issue that keeps coming up again and again is debt and the health of the US Dollar. It is an issue that I have a real hard time trying to put a positive spin on. The dollar’s […]

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You’ve probably already read about it in the news…the sub prime markets are a mess. The problem began after the turn of the century, when stock markets began to tank. As a result of the instability caused within the U.S. economy, the Fed began an aggressive campaign lowering interest rates. And while the rate cuts did salvage the major indices, the fallout was an unintentional real estate boom, as lenders began qualifying sub-par would be homeowners for mortgages they clearly couldn’t afford. Making matters worse, many of the loans were […]

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Senior Debt

Debt is increasing at an ever growing pace. It is affecting many people from all walks of life. One demographic group to be affected is that of seniors. It is a disturbing trend. Senior citizens are resorting to using credit card debt to pay for basic expenses. One frustrating problem is the cost of medical care. . An increasing number of the nation’s elders are putting their homes, retirement savings and livelihoods at risk to pay the bills. The question is whether seniors have been blindsided by the consumer juggernaut […]

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