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More On Happiness

What makes you happy? According to our consumer spend happy society, we need to spend or make a lot of money. Talk about an unhappy assumption. Studies are now being done as to what makes us happy. According to experts about 50 percent of our happiness is genetic. This is something we are likely to control. You are either a half full or half empty type person. Studies say another 10 percent is, in fact, dependant on circumstances like the ones mentioned above, and the remaining 40 percent is to […]

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Making A Million

By John Packard Many of my clients have told me that their goal is to accumulate $1 million dollars for their retirement. This is a noble goal and could provide many people with a great deal of financial independence. Many folks could get by on far less. This is especially true if you have no debt. We have provided some information below that will point out what you will need to reach your respective goals. The information below shows how much you need to save each month to accumulate $500,000, […]

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The Rich Are Not Immune

By John Packard In 2008, the rich are likely to be uttering a new mantra — downsizing. The fallout from the debt-market crisis, along with growing concerns about inequality and the environment, are likely to usher in a year of moderation for the rich. The current economy lends to caution. The new gilded age may be at an end. It is time for anyone serious about money to be cautious, eliminate debt and look for opportunities. Conventional wisdom today says the wealthy are exempt from the forces of economic gravity. […]

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Overcoming Obstacles

By John Packard Many people tell me that no matter how they look at things, they are simply not able to make ends meet. They cannot possibly cut back any more than they already have. Consider the following statistics: • Half of American households live on less than $46,326 a year, the median household income figure for 2005, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That inflation-adjusted number hasn’t seen a substantial increase since 1999. One out of five households lives on less than $20,000. • Twenty-two percent of U.S. respondents […]

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