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Maintaining Your Credit Score By: Adam Mortimer

Maintaining an excellent credit score can be the difference between retiring wealthy and not being able to retire at all. Yet, I see so many people do not even know what a credit score is. Your credit score is a measure of risk. Lenders want to know the probability of you paying them back on time. To do this they assign a score that ranges from 0-850. Typically a score of 700 or more will give you a great interest rate. Your score is broken down as follows: 35 percent […]

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What’s it like to be a millionaire?

Here’s a good article from that should reinforce what your coach has been telling you and what you’ve been reading in “The Millionaire Next Door”. Millionaire’s know what it is to be frugal. Half of all millionaires made their money by running their own business and they took advantage of all of the tax benefits that come from doing so. Of course, this is nothing new, it’s what we’ve been teaching here at Prosper for years! Read Here:’t-Tell-You

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Not a matter of if, but when…

Here’s a good article on the need to prepare for the unexpected. We just never know when we’ll lose a job, have illness or death in the family, or get hit by a natural or man made disaster. This article covers some of the basic things we can do to mitigate the devastating effects these events can have on our families.

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Retirement Planning by Adam Mortimer

Planning for retirement for many people can be an intimidating task. There are so many questions that need to be answered. Questions like how much will you need to retire on? What type of lifestyle do you plan on living in retirement? What expenses will change in retirement? How will inflation affect my retirement plans? While there are many questions that will not be answer until we retire. We must start now to think about retirement and taking the steps to achieve our financial goals. One goal on everybody’s list […]

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