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Basic Survival by Gail Long

Basic Survival There are snow storms, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and personal challenges happening all the time. Take the time to prepare: get the basics for yourself ad your family. The basics include fresh water, food, clean air and warmth. Go to the website Get a Kit for additional details. Expand your preparation by making up a Bug-out Bag or 72-Hour kit. Next blog will detail these. When preparing for a possible emergency situation, it’s best to think first about the basics of survival: fresh water, food, clean air and […]

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Weekly Financial Podcast hosted by Lorin Hardy

It's a good time to look back at what we've accomplished during 2008.

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Overcoming Fear By: Adam Mortimer

“Every time you win, it diminishes the fear a little bit. You never really cancel the fear of losing; you keep challenging it.” -Arthur Ashe Fear has robbed more people of their dreams than anything else on this planet. If we are to succeed we must learn how to manage our doubts and fears so that they do not end up managing us. Never underestimate the power of the small successes in your life. It is the small things that we are doing on a consistent basis that help us […]

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There’s a lot of Doomsday talk

Everywhere you look these days, whether in the papers, magazines, online, on tv, the outlook is gloomy and sometimes downright scary! How long will this recession last? One thing that most agree on is that it’s going to get worse before it gets any better. So the question becomes, How much worse?!? And for how long? Well you may not like the answer. Click on the link below and read the article and then decide for yourself. Then ask yourself the question; Am I prepared?

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