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“Finding Hidden Assets in Your Business”

Excess inventory- during my 20 years of working with all kinds of small businesses I found that most have inventory they either have forgotten about because it is either out of date or out of style, or an ordering mistake. If that inventory has been laying around in a corner for years covered up by other junk, take a look at it, it is an asset that is worth something. Example: years ago when I was working in the radio business there was a carpet/furniture store that I sold advertising […]

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You are Loosing Sales and What to Do About it

Nothing happens until something is sold. Most businesses fail because they don’t have enough sales. Why? Several reasons. The three main causes of low sales are poor customer service, poor products, poor sales practices, and no USP. Low Sales- not seeing enough prospects is the number one reason a business’ sales are low. Solutions for these problems will be discussed later in this report. Customer Service- There are two sources of income for a business, revenue from current accounts, and revenue from new business. Poor customer service can certainly pull […]

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Three Ways to Grow a Business

1. Get More customers 2. 2. Get customers to buy more 3. 3. get customers to buy more often 1. Get more customers Most business owners and managers use advertising to get more customers. In fact, they often spend 50% of their marketing budget on advertising. They generally use radio, TV, newspaper, direct mail and a few other mediums. Each of those mediums can generate new business if they are used correctly. There is however a cost to acquiring new customers, often several hundred dollars. The problem is most owners […]

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“Create a USP: The most powerful Marketing Tactic.”

What is a Unique Selling Position? The Over communicated society We filter out the messages Every business category does pretty much the same things How to make the same businesses different The obvious USPs. What are the difference between you and competition? Express your message in different ways What a Unique Selling Position is: A USP is a way to make a product or a business different from their competition. It will make the public remember you, allow you to dominate market share, and give consumers a clear choice between […]

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