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Small Business Tax Deductions

According to Sandy Botkin, taxes will be the single largest expense of your entire life. You will spend more of your hard earned dollars on taxes than you will on housing, education, transportation, children, or any other expense. That being said, if you ever hope to become financially independent, it is imperative that you reduce your tax burden down to the bare minimum, and do it legally. Click the link below to learn about 5 deductions that are often overlooked, and consider acquiring a copy of Sandy Botkins’ “Tax Strategies […]

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Hot Trends for 2013

Most entrepreneurs don’t do any market research before they dive in to their new venture. Don’t make that mistake. It always helps to know what you’re getting into! Knowing where the market is heading, where the future demand is heading, and how tastes and preferences are changing can mean the difference between success and failure. Below, Entrepreneur magazine shares some of the hot business trends for 2013. Enjoy! The Biggest Trends in Business for 2013

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The Non Entrepreneurs Guide to Startup Funding

How does one go about funding their startup venture? What options and opportunities are available? Bootstrapping, Crowdfunding, Friends and Family, Accelerators, Angels, Venture Capital, Banks, Incubators, and Co-Working Spaces are some options, but what are they and how do they work? Find out by clicking the link below! The Non Entrepreneurs Guide to Startup Funding

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How do I get started?

How do I get started? This is the most common question asked by would be entrepreneurs. If you’d like to become a small business owner and are wondering where to start, here is the motherlode. Click the link below to find a wealth of resources that will help you get into the entrepreneurial mindset, direct you to all sorts of resources, and get you following some of the most successful entrepreneurs out there on twitter. How to get started in entrepreneurship.

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