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The Unique Selling Position: Make Your Business Stand Out.

By Bill Cherry Learning Objectives: What is a USP? Why is a USP such a powerful marketing tool? How to create a USP. What is a USP? Your unique offer to the customer that other businesses can’t. A USP is what makes you, your business, or your products different and unique from the competition. We all live in an over communicated society bombarded with thousands of messages every day. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, signs, posters, calendars and even the logos on you computers. It’s no wonder we feel overwhelmed […]

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Secrets of Selling Part Two:

by Bill Cherry Getting Appointments: The First Steps to Selling Success How to qualify a prospect How to create a target list Why use a telephone script Voice mail, screeners, receptionists, never in office, Approach: letters, cold calls, email, voice mail, referrals, Nothing happens until you get in front of the prospect. Ever since there have been sales persons there has been the problem of getting in front of the prospect. And ever since there have been salespersons there has been prospects who want to avoid sales persons. Why is […]

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How to Increase Sales 30% Before Leaving the Office

by Bill Cherry Selling Secrets Part One: The Will to Prepare: Over the last 25 years I have been a sales person, a sales manager, a director of sales and marketing. During that time I taught many sales people and there was one thing all of the successful sales people did; prepare well for the customer. It’s been said that the will to win, wins football games, but a famous football coach once said, “It’s the will to prepare that wins games.” Most businesses across the U.S. have sales people. […]

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Find Hot Products and Opportunities

by Bill Cherry Today in the midst of a national recession there are more opportunities to make money than ever before. In the past recessions more businesses were started than any other time in the recent past. The question is where are those opportunities and where are the money making products? There are many ways to make money with a privately owned business. There are three basic areas of doing business; selling products, selling information, and selling services. There are opportunities in each of those categories. Let’s start with where […]

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