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Make a Fortune with Your New Product Ideas

Entrepreneurship Group Coaching Call 1. What makes a good idea? a. solves a problem b. fills a need c. applicable new technology Example: Quite books 2. No one knows if an idea is a good one or not. It must fill a need or a new product or idea. Example: hoola hoop- Filled no need but was a new toy that was fun. New coke- One of the biggest marketing failures in business history. They thought their customers wanted a sweeter drink like Pepsi. They decided to introduce new coke […]

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Finding Hidden Assets in Your Business

Graduate Group Coaching Call Excess inventory- during my 20 years of working with all kinds of small businesses I found that most have inventory they either have forgotten about because it is either out of date or out of style, or an ordering mistake. If that inventory has been laying around in a corner for years covered up by other junk, take a look at it, it is an asset that is worth something. Example: years ago when I was working in the radio business there was a carpet/furniture store […]

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How to Create Professional Marketing Materials

Graduate Group Conference Call Points we Will Cover: 1. Saving money with your graphic design 2. Saving picking the right quantity to print 3. The secret about saving with the right paper 4. The number of ink colors used can affect the prices 5. What is the right quantity to print? 6. Which printer will save you money? 7. The magic of printing two or four at a time. 8. Giving the printer extra time to print saves money. 9. Proofs. Saving money with your graphic design: 1. Bleeds- ink […]

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Marketing Secrets No One Knows

Entrepreneurship Graduate Group Coaching Call Introduction Many businesses feel pressure because of tight cash flow, and a lack of resources. Here are some ways to find new value with little or no costs. 1, Turn Unused things into assets- Spa tanning beds- Spa owner needed more business but had a bad location. She had 4 new tanning beds that were never used. She said they were costing her money every month. I said these are an asset. Make some coupons for 10 free tans and have your staff give 10 […]

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