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3.16.11 Find Hidden Assets in Your Business

3.16.11 Find Hidden Assets in Your Business

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3.9.2011 How to Write a Winning Commercial

3.9.2011 How to Write a Winning Commercial

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Internet: The Best Home Business

Entrepreneurship Graduate Group Coaching Call Introduction- Over the years I have known literally hundreds of people who have had home businesses. Sadly very few, eve none made any money. That’s pretty sad when you think about it. As I thought about this situation I became curious why that was so. Here are some ideas I came up with. The need for home businesses- Today and for decades for that matter the average Joe needs to make more money. We all want more money. People start looking around for a way […]

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How to Find Funding For Your Business

June 29, 2011 Entrepreneurship Graduate Group Coaching Call Introduction- One of the first things my students who are starting a business or creating a new product is, “Where can I get money for my business or project.” I have come to think all business owners and inventors are broke. Of course money controls everything. If you have money you can create businesses and invent products. If you don’t have money you better find some. Following are a few ways to raise money. Banks- Yuk! I hate banks. Bankers are some […]

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