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Boomers: The Next Big Wave of Entrepreneurs

   Just as the baby boomers lead the way creating the economic wealth on the 60’s 70’s and 80’s, they are now on the verge of leading the next big financial wave as entrepreneurs.The baby-boom generation has had a profound impact on the U.S. economy since the arrival of the first postwar babies in 1946.

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Advertising 101

  Who are your customers? In my 25 years of working in the advertising and marketing business, I have seen many different businesses use every kind of advertising medium including Television, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine, Direct Mail, Outdoor, Specialty, Internet, and more.“Advertising Doesn’t Workâ€? As I have talked with various business owners, I heard them say, “Radio advertising doesn’t work. I tried it.â€? Others would say, “Radio advertising is the best medium I’ve ever used.â€? Still other business owners would say, “I tried direct mail once and it was a waste […]

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Save Money on Your Printing 12 ways

 1.Never Rush the Printer, it Costs You Lots of Money. Give him adequate time to print your material. Waiting to the last minute to get printing done costs companies tens of thousands of dollars every year. Here’s why; Design Errors: When a brochure or a form has to be designed or corrections made on an existing printed piece, the person designing or making the corrections doesn’t have adequate time to take a second and a third look over the art before it goes to the press. If mistakes are made […]

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