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Protected: Ent. Graduate Call 6-3-09

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Leadership vs. Management

Learning objectives: 1.    What is leadership? 2.    What is management? 3.    What are the features of leadership? 4.    What are the features of management? If you ask ten people to describe leadership you will get ten deferent answers. This article is just some of my ideas about leadership. Some may seem unconventional. What is leadership? If you ask 10 business experts or motivational speakers to describe leadership you will get 10 different answers. Like beauty, leadership is in the eye of the beholder. Leadership is a method of managing a […]

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Software for Business Owners

Security software: You must have good virus protection on your computer. If you don’t have good security on your computer go to You will find some free security programs as well as the top security programs. Check out Some you can check out are: a.  AVG8 b.  Spybot c.  Adware d.  Norton e.  McAfee f.  Malwarebytes   Other software options: a.  Database programs – b.  Advertising , e-mail – c.  Web builders –,, d.  Photo editor – e.  Financial – Quick Books […]

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ENT. Division Podcast 2-6-09

This week we explore and concentrate on all of the upcoming classes for entrepreneurship in Feb – highlighting the 3 new classes for all students.

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