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3.16.11 Find Hidden Assets in Your Business

3.16.11 Find Hidden Assets in Your Business

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3.9.2011 How to Write a Winning Commercial

3.9.2011 How to Write a Winning Commercial

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Make a Fortune with Your New Product Ideas

Entrepreneurship Group Coaching Call 1. What makes a good idea? a. solves a problem b. fills a need c. applicable new technology Example: Quite books 2. No one knows if an idea is a good one or not. It must fill a need or a new product or idea. Example: hoola hoop- Filled no need but was a new toy that was fun. New coke- One of the biggest marketing failures in business history. They thought their customers wanted a sweeter drink like Pepsi. They decided to introduce new coke […]

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How to Use Direct Mail For a Business

Introduction What is direct mail and how is it used? Of all of the major types of advertising that businesses use, direct mail can be the most effective. The goal of direct mail advertising is to get the recipient to read it and act. Junk mail “I tried direct mail advertising once and it didn’t work.” I have heard those words hundreds of times from owners and managers of businesses. The fact is, all major advertising works when used correctly and at the right time. Direct mail is often referred […]

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